Ein kurzer Post, um euch zu zeigen, was ich am Donnerstag – den Tag mit meiner Schwester verbringend – getragen habe: eine meiner neuen Beauties von Met, ein einfaches schwarzes Shirt, schwarze Ballerinas und meine rote Longchamp – meine absolute Lieblingsfarbe! Nun geht’s ab ins Wochenende, das ich heute mit Freunden verbringen werde. Was sind eure Pläne für den Tag?

(Met linen Hose – findet sie hier, H&M Shirt, Asos Ballerinas, Longchamp Tasche, Primark/ Asos/ Converse Armband)
katrine korning
Hey, thanks for the comment on my blog. Your blog is nice too, and now i am following you on bloglovin :)http://katrinekorning.bloggersdelight.dk/
thanks for following :) I'll follow back. x
Daisy Nguyen
Just added you on bloglovin' - LOVE your blog girl!XOXO -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:
thanks a lot :)
Cute outfit. I'm now following you on BL:-) frkforsom.blogspot.com
thanks, I'm following back :)
Hey, cool pants :)HEYLJ Following :)
Lida Vinnikova
I am already following you on bloglovin')It's your turn)) very nice blog!
Hi, great outfit! Returning the favour... Can you tell me how to get my website (http://untrucoudeux.wordpress.com/) up on bloglovin I'm not sure if it comes up! Thanks!
Jisele Cordeiro
Love the outfit! xoxo.
Thank you very much for your comment. Nice blog you have. I am now following you on bloglovin' :-)
Silje Vikestad
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, you also have very nice blog :) I now follow you on bloglovin!- Silje / siljevikestads.dk
you gorgeous!You are doing such an amazing job here on the blog, maybe we could follow each other? xx, L.
That red bag is AWESOME! And I LOVE your pants :) Rory Enter to win an item of your choice from Ginny's Jewels!
thanks for your comment :)
schöner look! die hose ist ja toll :) Love Lois xxxhttp://lisforlois.blogspot.com/
Dankeschön :) x My Blog :)