After my time at the surf camp in Australia, I wanted to go surfing at least once a year to get better and, of course, because it is just so much fun. I didn’t go surfing for 1 1/2 years after I came back from Australia, did it twice when we were in Sri Lanka and just returned from a surf trip to Morocco. I have to confess, I searched the web for some surf spots that are not that far from Germany, but I didn’t know it’s possible to go surfing in Morocco. The destinations I always had in mind where Portugal (where I’m going in three weeks), France and Fuerteventura. But I haven’t been to these places for surfing so far. That’s because it’s not warm and sunny all year round and you can’t surf there all the time. I usually stay in Berlin during summer, because that’s my favourite time of the year to spend in my hometown, and didn’t think about booking a trip to one of those destinations during summer. Anyways, today I don’t want to talk about the surf spots in Europe I haven’t been to. Today I want to talk about what surfing in Morocco is like.
Surfing in Morocco
We stayed at the Adventure Keys Surf House in Taghazout when we were in Morocco. It’s a small town around 40 minutes away from Agadir, and it’s well-known for surfing. It’s super easy to find an accommodation there and to rent surfboards as well as wetsuits, so you don’t have to bring anything. We got everything at the surf house we stayed at as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s actually best to book all inclusive when going somewhere to surf because you’ll eat a lot and surely don’t want to have to search for something good all the time.
But let’s talk about the surfing. I’m for sure not an expert. I’m still a beginner and need much more hours of surfing before I can call myself an advanced surfer 😉 Therefore I can only tell you my experiences in Taghazout. Pro surfers might say something different and would probably focus on other rating criteria than I do. But I can say that much: there weren’t only beginners at the surf house. For me, as an “advanced beginner” surfing Morocco was quite nice. Of course, not every day was perfect, but the first two days were quite nice. Especially the second day was perfect. The waves were up to head high, the current wasn’t too strong, and it wasn’t hectic at all inside the water. I got to catch a lot of waves.
The beach in Taghazout is perfect for beginners, that’s why you don’t see a lot of pro surfers out there. The waves are usually not higher than shoulder high, the current wasn’t strong at all, and the waves came in very nicely. One day there weren’t any waves to surf on at all, but that’s because the weather was very shitty. The next day it was all perfect again. Once we drove to a beach that was a little bit farther from Taghazout (about 15 minutes), but unfortunately it wasn’t fun to surf there at all. The current was super strong and the waves very hectic. It was quite hard to catch a wave as a beginner. But that’s what can happen every day.. I would recommend staying in Taghazout and surf at the beach there when you’re a beginner. Even when you want to learn surfing, you can do it in Morocco. There are many surf houses that offer lessons as well. But surfing usually is only possible until April or May. I would suggest going in February or March. The weather was great, and it was a lot of sun even though the water is still very cold. But if you’re wearing a winter wetsuit it’s not a problem to be inside the water at all.

I actually won’t write more about surfing in Morocco here, but please don’t hesitate to leave me a comment or send me a message if you want to know more and have questions. I would love to help you out and answer them 🙂
Protest Wetsuit
Last but not least I have to talk about this amazing wetsuit I got from Protest. It’s actually a SUP wetsuit, but I would wear it for surfing as well. It’s super thin, that’s why I couldn’t go inside the water with this one on only, but wearing it for surfing when the water is warm enough wouldn’t be a problem. The fit is perfect, but what I like best about this wetsuit are the colours and the pretty flower print 🙂 You probably already know, that I have an all black wetsuit, so this one is a nice change and I’ll probably take it with me next time I’m going for a surf somewhere warm and sunny. I hope you’ll like the pictures as much as I do. Let me know what you think. xx

Thank you Protest for the beautiful Wetsuit
Alrhgit alright alright that's exactly what I needed!