Almost two weeks ago the Alexander Wang x H&M collection was finally in stores and online. When I heard, that Alexander wang teamed up with H&M to create a special collection, I was super excited and just couldn’t wait… I got WANGed 😉
Alexander Wang x H&M
There are two options: you like this collection or you don’t! That’s because the collection is very sporty and not all of you prefer to wear sporty clothes in their daily life or you just don’t want to pay “that much” for sportswear – and to be honest, if you want to wear these garments as sportswear only, you shouldn’t buy them. They’re more than sportswear. Hell, it’s Alexander Wang, it’s Alexander Wang for H&M. 😉
Alexander Wang x H&M Bustier
It was love at first sight when I saw this beautiful bustier. It caught my eye, I really liked the cut as well as the logo print. You can imagine, how happy I was when I got it!! 🙂 btw: I got all the garments I was looking for – lucky me 😉
I created a total black outfit, combining the bustier with a black blazer, black jeans and black high heels. It’s not an outfit you can wear in your everyday life and it’s a bit saucy.. but guess what? I like it! 😉 Actually, it’s an outfit I’m not used to and usually I prefer to cover my belly and breasts, but after almost 4 months of regular training (I go to the gym three times a week for 1-2 hours), I feel pretty good and didn’t know why to hide it. x)
What do you think about the Alexander Wang x H&M collection? And what do you think about my outfit?

Wow...ich bin sprachlos....elegant, sexy, ....ein tolles Outfit! Und ich muss mich wdh., diese Schuhe (mit deinen nackten Füßen) sehen toll dazu aus. Viele liebe Grüße
OMG, das ist ja mörderisch sexy! Absolut spitze, Jacky!
Angelika Schröter
Gern dabei. Gefällt mi9r.
tolle Sachen, wirkt richtig 'angezogen'
Heinz Neuenfeldt
Einfach toll.
Peter Simonka
tolle Sachen, wirkt richtig ‘angezogen’
Ulrike Erbskorn
bin ich doch gerne dabei :)
Ulrike Erbskorn
gerne dabei
Tobias K.
Bin dabei :)
Bin gerne dabei.
In welcher größe hast du das top? Ich hab normal b-körbchen... Bin so unsicher zwischen s und m ... Danke und schönes outfit :)
Ich habe das Top in einer S genommen und habe ein C-Körbchen. Da es bei mir gerade so passt würde ich dir auf jeden Fall die S empfehlen :)
Ich glaub' an nichts mehr - nur noch an dich!