I can’t believe how fast the temperatures dropped. About two weeks ago I was wearing this outfit, and I wasn’t freezing at all. But when I would wear this outfit right now, I would probably be cold when wearing only a t-shirt underneath the jacket. I hope temperature will rise one last time before autumn is over. I still have so many looks I would like to shoot, but at the moment it’s too cold to wear them. Luckily I still have a couple of outfits left to share with you this week. I already shared two autumn outfits at the beginning of the week, and two more are to come. I’m sharing the first one today, and it’s all about my VOGUE t-shirt I got when the VOGUE Fashion’s Night Out took place in Berlin.
VOGUE T-Shirt and Leather Jacket
I shared this outfit on Instagram about a week ago, and you guys liked it a lot. It’s always great to see when you like the outfits I feel very comfortable in as much as I do. 🙂 You know, how much I love leather jackets, and this one is still my favourite because of the embroidery on the back. It’s such a special piece which upgrades every single outfit. The other day I combined it with black jeans and a grey t-shirt as well as glitter shoes. I usually would combine this leather jacket with a
very simple outfit, but this time, I chose other special items to create an even more interesting outfit. The black pants are not only black pants, but they also have a lacing detail on the side of the legs, and the shoes are not only the shoes but they’re also glittered shoes. Each piece could be a key piece itself, but I combined them all together.
To be honest, I didn’t want to focus on the jacket, the pants or the shoes. I wanted to focus on my grey t-shirt, my VOGUE t-shirt. I was so happy when I received it two days before the VFNO took place in Berlin. I love this kind of t-shirts a lot: basic, but everything but boring. Thanks to the VOGUE writing it’s not boring at all and a key piece in my closet. It’s hard to focus on a piece when every other piece of the outfit is a key piece. So what did I do? I chose only black pieces. The t-shirt is the only grey piece in this outfit and therefore it stands out. Would you agree? Or would you say I failed by trying to focus on the t-shirt? x)
I would love to hear your thoughts about this autumn outfit. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. xx

na, vor allem könntest du das outfit jetzt nicht mehr mit den schuhen tragen und schon gar nicht barfuss ;-) aber das outfit ist super chic, die lederjacke ist auch der hammer. würd ich auch so tragen
Darf ich fragen wo du die Bilder gemacht hast? Find die Location toll :))
Bei der Messe hier in Berlin :) dort wo früher die Deutschlandhalle war. LG
Nina JP
finde die lederjacke megageil! welche marke ist das? echt der hammer! schöne bilder! ;)
Nina JP
sehr coole lederjacke und wunderschöne bilder! kannst du mir verraten von welcher marke die lederjacke ist? danke dir!! sg
Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar :) Die Lederjacke ist von Rich & Royal, allerdings aus 2015. LG :)