Good morning and happy Sunday folks! Todays post is already the last one about our short trip to Venice last week. That’s why I finally want to share my Venice Video as well as some tipps for your own trip to this beautiful city with you.

Venice Video
The video is a summary of our two days in Venice. We captured a few impressions, but wanted to create a funny video as well, so you can see me kidding around as well 😉 I hope, you’ll like it:
Tipps for your Venice trip
When travelling to Venice, there are a few Must-Dos, some typical attractions, you just have to see. Apart from that you just should leave the map at the hotel (a tipp I got from tuulavintage and Negin Mirsalehi). Venice isn’t that big and it’s hard to get really lost in this city. Even when you think you don’t know where you are, just keep on moving, because you’ll soon get to a place you already now and there you’ll get your orientation back. 😉 Furthermore a map would only cost time! Leave the hotel without a map and explore the city under your own steam 🙂

Piazza San Marco, Rialto Bridge & other attractions
The Piazza San Marco as well as the Rialto Bridge are attractions you shouldn’t miss when you’re in Venice. I already told you that it wasn’t as I expected, but this doesn’t mean that the Piazza San Marco isn’t beautiful and kinda impressive – especially when it’s flooded. Another reason why you should see this piazza is, that you can find more attractions just as Campanile di San Marco and Basilica di San Marco here. The Rialto Bridge isn’t far from Piazza San Marco. It is another main attraction of Venice and it is the oldest bridge that runs along the Canale Grande. This bridge has three (!) footways: two at the outside and one in the middle. The one in the middle has some small shops, where you can find leather goods as well as some souvenirs.

Gondola Ride
A gondola ride – the MUST-DO! Well, I already told you, that the prices might scare you at the first moment, so you better look for a gondolier in the smaller canals instead of the Canale Grande and other main points. Because you might have the chance to negotiate with them 😉 There are tours which are more beautiful than others, but does this really matter? Isn’t it the flair and feeling of a gondola ride why we don’t want to miss this attraction? 🙂

Italian Food: Ice Cream, Pizza & Pasta
You can’t avoid italien food, when in Venice and we don’t want to, do we? 😉 I took full advantage of this trip and ate a lot ice cream – about six times during these 2 1/2 days. But you shouldn’t only eat as much ice cream as possible, you should try the Pizza as well. Pizza is the best option when you want to snack on something. I would suggest the smaller pizza stands instead of a restaurant.
If you’re looking for a restaurant, you should first check their menu. If it’s transalted in at least three languages and if there are just too much dishes, than you shouldn’t choose this one. You should look for a small restaurant with only a few dishes.