While I’m on my way to Stockholm, it’s time for the second part of Sophia’s (Fit & Fab) and my little TRX series. How did you like the first part we shared with you last Monday? Have you already tried some of the TRX Upper Body Exercises we showed you? If you’re not sure about the TRX training yet, don’t give up. Give it another try, because you’ll get better and stronger with every time you do it. And in case you need a bit variety, let’s continue with some TRX Core Exercises to define your abs and a strengthen back today.

What is the “Core”?
It’s much more than just your abs. The term “core” describes the region of your body below your neck down to your hips, excluding your arms and legs. That’s why you do not only train your abs when you do some TRX Core Exercises, but also your lower back and all the muscles in the “core region”. Training the core is essential for stability and it generates the rotational forces you need for a lot of athletic movements such as throwing, striking, twisting and swinging. But a strong core is essential for everyday movements as well, because it stabilises the spine. You see, it’s important to train your core. It’s not only important for you everyday life, but also to feel and look better.
Effective TRX Core Exercises for defined abs and a strong back
Let’s train the core with the TRX Suspension Trainer. Define your abs and strengthen your lower back with the following four exercises Sophia and I prepared for you. But before you start to try these exercises yourself, always remember: the wider the angle, the more exhausting and more pretentious the exercise. If the exercises seem to be too exhausting, take small steps first and try to make more repetitions every time you do it again. You’ll see that the exercises will get easier, and you’ll get stronger over time.
TRX Crunches
With the TRX Crunches, you train your abs as well as your lower back. Your feet have to be in the loops, and your head is facing the down with your wrists underneath your shoulders. You have to start in a suspended plank position, what means that your body should be in a straight line. Now you have to bend your knees – both at the same time – and draw them towards your elbows. Extend and repeat:

TRX Pikes
The TRX Pikes train your abs by challenging your balance and stability. For this exercise, your feet are in the TRX loops, your head is facing down with your wrists underneath your shoulder as well – the same as for the TRX Crunches. Start in a suspended plank position again, and then you have to lift your hips up. Your legs are always straight while you’re drawing your legs towards your chest until you look like an upside-down V. Try to get as high as possible, the higher the more exhausting it is:

TRX Superman
For the TRX Superman, you have to stand, your face away from the anchor, your feet shoulder-width apart, and your hands grab the handles with an overhand grip. You have to keep your arms and body straight during the whole exercise:

TRX Side Plank
The TRX Side Plank is for your abs as well, but this time for the obliques. You already know what a plank is, so it won’t be a problem to do the Side Plank, will it? Your feet are in the TRX loops again, but this time you have to move to the side. This can be a bit tricky, but I’m sure you’ll made it. 😉 You can do the TRX Side Plank in several ways: simply hold it, rotate or do it the way we did. We decided to make the side plank a challenge by moving or body down and up: