Almost 2 weeks ago I got my second tattoo! You haven’t seen my first one yet, I know: it’s the writing “Glückseligkeit” – bliss – and placed on the right side of my upper body. But back to my new tattoo 😉 These 2 arrowheads have a lot of meanings to me: determination, having an agenda and working for it, never looking back – always moving forward & living on, following my dreams are just a few examples to give u an idea! 🙂 What do you think about it?

awesome tattoo! i like the meaning of it xx http://anoddgirl.blogspot.com.au
i really really like it! <3
Love it!!!http://stylearua.blogspot.com.es/
Smile of style
I think it has a lovely meaning!I've just found your blog and I like it, so I'm following you! I invite you to visit mine and follow me back if you like it!Kisses http://smileofstyle.blogspot.com
I like it, it's subtle!xoxo
love it!Its so cool!!!
love it! x
Schade dass Du keines von "Glückseligkeit" gepostet hast- die Bedeutung ist wunderschön
Ich lass mir heute genau das selbe tattoo stechen, weil ich auch eins will das genau die Bedeutung hat
Ah sehr cool! Es ist auch noch immer eines meiner Favoriten :)