It’s already Wednesday and tomorrow is an official holiday, what means that I have only two more days of work before the weekend starts. But as you already might know, I have a lot of work to do, so to be honest, I really could need this Thursday to get some things done. Anyways, I wanna share another outfit with you today, it’s one of the looks I could wear almost every day, because I feel pretty comfortable in it and I really like the combination. 🙂
Take me to the beach
Yes, please! I wouldn’t mind being in Australia now and to enjoy a couple of hours at the beach, no matter if I would sunbathing or surfing. 🙂 But I didn’t chose this title, because I would like to be at the beach right now, name giver are my new Pepe Jeans shoes. Why? Because they have “TAKE ME TO THE BEACH” written inside the tongue. Since I’m not in Australia anymore I decided to combine my new summer shoes with a city look instead of another beach look. The result is another Denim on Denim outfit. I combined my beloved Levi’s Trucker Jacket – I still haven’t added the new patches I bought in Melbourne… – with jeans from Asos as well as a simple white tee and that’s it.
love this look.. pretty <3visit mine,
Mariee x3
Hast du da Socken an?
Marie x3
Hattest du bei den Schuhen Socken an? Sieht nicht so aus :) Liebe Grüße
Marie x3
Hey hattest du da Socken an? Wenn ja wie machst du das dass man die nicht sieht?
Manno warum verschwinden meine Fragen immer?
Hattest du da Socken an? Wenn ja wie machst du das dass man die nicht sieht? Tolles Outfit!
Hey Marie,ja, ich habe Socken an. Ich krempel sie immer zur Hälfte um, sodass man sie nicht sieht und quasi nur der vordere Teil des Fußes die Socke anhat :)