Tag Archives: Business

Time for some changes!

On the 31st of December, I shared the last post here on the blog, and it has been quite calm on the blog since then. The reason? I want to change a couple of things in 2018! With Instagram and social media, in general, the blogging business isn't what it used to be…

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New Year’s Resolution Ideas

The year is coming to an end, and it's time to think about our New Year's Resolution. A new year is like a new chapter in a book and a new chapter aka a new year offers many new opportunities. By writing down some New Year's Resolutions, you can make the best of this…

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Have you achieved all the goals you set yourself for 2016?

I usually share my business posts on Mondays, but I didn't have the time to write it. I wasn't at the office on Thursday and Friday, because I was at a press conference and drove to Rostock for the Holiday On Ice show later that day. I came back on Friday but didn't feel…

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Feeling lazy? Here’s how to get motivated!

Winter is coming closer; it's getting colder every day, and all we want to do is laying on the sofa, watching our favourite series and drinking hot chocolate or tea. The problem: we can't do it all day. We all have work to get done and at least my to-do list is very…

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Why staying at home is always better than going out

The weekend is over; it's Monday again, and nevertheless, I would like to talk about the inner conflict whether to go out or stay at home today. Those who are in a job question themselves every weekend whether to go out or stay at home and some of you probably ask themselves even…

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How to feel better when you’re having a bad day

It's been a while since I published my last Business Post on the blog. I just didn't know what to write about and had other content I wanted to focus on. I wanted to focus on outfit posts for a while and tried to share at least four outfits a week. Sometimes I…

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Four Rules to achieve your goals

People are different, they work in a variety of ways, they're differently structured or non-structured, and they have different goals. But one thing is for sure: everybody has goals even though they achieve them in different ways. A while ago I wrote a post about how to successfully set and achieve your goals and the…

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