After Luisa from schere leim papier showed you how to transform old jeans into a new piece of clothing: the lace shorts, I show you how to wear your new pair of shorts. 🙂 I opted for a simple summer look and combined the lace shorts with an white shirt and white Cons. The most important things are the details: the lace part of the shorts as well as the low-cut back.
What I like about this look? I like the combination of chic and casual. The shirt and the bag are the chic elements and the shorts and the shoes add a casual touch – yep, that’s how I like to dress 😉 Combining chic/elegant pieces the opposite. Do you like this outfit? How would you combine the DIY lace shorts?

Zara Shirt // DIY Shorts // Converse Shoes // PINK by Victoria’s Secret Bag // DKNY Ceramic Watch
Jessica Rose
Different....and lucky you..so tanned already!http://vodkaandarose.blogspot.co.uk
Luckily I had one week in Mallorca :) Helped my tan a lot ;)
Monica Sors
Lovely style!!xx Mónica Sors MES VOYAGES A PARIS
Mario Bölke
Super schauts aus! Nicht bloß der look, sondern auch die fotos wieder. Kannst deinen lieben gruß ausrichten und ihm sagen das er Schöne foto Plätze gefunden hat und die fotos super geschossen hat! Gruß Mario
Dankeschön! Werde das Kompliment gleich weiterleiten! :)