Today was my last day in Australia and while you’re reading this, I’m probably already on the plane on my way to Abu Dhabi – our first stop before we’ll continue to Berlin. I’m happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because I’ll be back in my hometown and I’ll see my family and my friends again, but I’m sad, because I really enjoyed my time in this beautiful country – especially the last two weeks together with my boyfriend. 🙂 I’ll miss all the beaches, the sea, the weather, the atmosphere, the landscape and so much more. Well, one of the things I wont miss are the high prices haha. Anyways, I’ll come back! 🙂
Brisbane’s Skyline
My Australia adventure might be over in real life, but it isn’t on the blog, because I still have some posts to share with you. So let’s preserve it a bit longer.. 🙂 Here is another post – the last one – from Brisbane. Those who has read my “5 Things to Do in Brisbane”-Post know, where we tried to enjoy the sunset with a view to Brisbane’s skyline: at Kangaroo Point Cliffs Park. Unfortunately we didn’t have one of those beautiful sunsets I read about before we went, but doesn’t look it nice anyway? 🙂
Denim and White
When it comes to summer outfits, the combination of denim and white is one of my favourites. So it’s no wonder I chose this combination for a balmy evening in Brisbane. I had to wear comfortable shoes, because we decided to walk from our hotel to the park (about 6km return), so I chose my Birkenstocks and added the Rebecca Minkoff Skylar Mini to match the colour as well as to top off this look a bit. What do you think about it?