Here is another self-made piece of fashion for you, created by schere leim papier. I’m Luisa and on my blog, I show you how to craft things on your own. For more DIY-tutorials visit me here:

Have you ever sewn a bag on your own? I haven’t. But when I saw this incredible fabric in a sewdish furniture shop, I knew immediately: I just have to create a bag made of this. Well, as you see, you don’t have to be a sewing professional to produce your own fashion items.

You need: some fabric with wooden structure (I bought it at an Ikea store), another fabric for the inner lining and some black belt strap. For sewing you further need a sewing machine, some textile scissors and, of course, needle and thread. First, draw a rectangle with 80 x 40 cm on the back of the wooden structure.

Cut out the shape with your textile scissors and fold it in half.

You have to fix the edgings of two open sides with 1 cm distance from the outer edge. Use an auxiliary thread you remove later. You have to left open one side. Here, turn the edgings up with a distance of 1cm. Fix it with another auxiliary thread.

Use the sewing machine to whipstitch the edgings of the open side, then seam the side parts together.
Your outer part is ready, just turn it inside out. Now you have to repeat all steps with the fabric for the inner lining.

After finishing the inner lining, you integrate it into the outer part. Take care not to integrate it the wrong way up to avoid unaesthetic edgings. Next, you have to secure it.

Sew the pieces together with your sewing machine. Up next, you have to cut the belt strap into fitting pieces. You need 60 cm for one bag handle. Choose a longer size if you want to lengthen them across your bag.

Fix the handles and stitch them down with the sewing machine.
Now, you’ve sewn a bag just on our own. Well done!
Tomorrow, Jacky is going to show you how to combine your new bag.
Total cool der Beutel!! Schwedisches Möbelhaus? Ist es das was ich denke? :D ;)
DIY Skandinavisches Taschendesign für whaelse.com |
[…] Wie ihr vielleicht schon mitbekommen habt, gibt es einmal im Monat ein Kreativprojekt, das ich mir für den Fashionblog whaelse.com von Jacky ausdenke. Diesmal habe ich eine Stofftasche im skandinavischen Stil gebastelt. Als ich vor einiger Zeit in einem großen schwedischen Möbelhaus unterwegs war, habe ich diesen tollen Stoff im Holzdesign entdeckt und wusste sofort, dass ich daraus eine Tasche nähen musste. Meinen Gastpost auf Jackys Seite findet ihr hier: […]