You’ve seen the DIY for the scandinavian bag yesterday, so it’s time to show you how you can wear your new bag. 😉 My look? White shirt, black jeans, grey Cons and a leather jacket – a mix of classics!
If you haven’t created your own scandinavian bag yet, I really recommend to do it! The bag not only looks good, it has a lot of space too. And space is really what we need to carry all our “necessary” things with us: wallet, smartphone, diary, make up, money, …. the list ist endless! 😉
Just let me know what you think about the bag and of course of my look and don’t forget to take part in my current giveaway! You can win an Iconemesis iPhone case of your choice, but the giveaway ends tomorrow night – hurry up 🙂

Zara Leather Jacket // H&M Top // Mango Jeans // Converse Shoes // DIY Scandinavian Bag // Oasap Necklace
Jenny Eckhardt
Dieser Look sieht bezaubernd aus. Ich bin ein großer Fan, was die Klassiker angeht. Momentan bin ich auf der Suche nach , da ich gerne diverse Dinge miteinander kombiniere. Hättest du vielleicht irgendwelche Tipps für mich?