Good morning folks! Today I want to introduce a new online shop to you, which I discovered recently: Yumi. Yumi is an UK-based shop offering fashionable and trend inspired clothes with a retro twist. But it’s not only about trends! You don’t have to follow the newest trends if you want to shop at Yumi. The most important thing is, that you feel confident and comfortable.
Talking about confidence and comfort: I found the perfect autumn jacket at Yumi, an oversized tweed jacket. I didn’t have this kind of jacket in my closet. I really like the relaxed silhouette, the way it looks in combination with skinny jeans. Combining oversized garments with skinny ones is one of my favourite ways to dress. And that’s what I did the other day, when I wore my new jacket for the first time:
Oversized tweed jacket, skinny jeans, striped shirt and booties.
For me this is a look you can perfectly wear for work, a business meeting or even in your free time. Black and blue might not seem to be a good combination – that’s what I always used to think -, but why not? Who said we aren’t allowed to combine black and blue?
Let me know what you think. What do you think about the combination of black and blue? And what do you think about my new jacket from Yumi? 🙂 Can’t wait to read your comments. xx

Hi Jacky, ich finde, man kann fast alle Farben miteinander kombinieren: entweder konträre farben, dann nur 2 verschiedene, oder mehrere in einer Farbwelt. Übrigens, wenn ich größer wäre, würde ich auch so etwas anziehen, aber in so langen Jacken in Übergröße ertrinke ich optisch. Dir stehts prima Kara
Ein toller Look! P.S: Aktuell kann man auf meinem Blog einen 100.- CHF Zalando-Gutschein gewinnen