It’s Sunday, the perfect day to stay at home watching Netflix all day long. Yes, that’s what I’ve been doing the past Sundays. It’s getting colder and if you do not have any reason to go outside, why should you do it? Make yourself comfortable on the sofa, drink tea or hot chocolate and prepare some snacks – now you’re almost ready for a relaxed Sunday at home. There is only one thing missing: a good series or movie to watch. Let’s focus on series today, you can find my favourite series you can watch on Netflix in the following:

Netflix Series to watch
I’ve been using Netflix for a while know, and I’m more than satisfied, I have Amazon Prime as well, but don’t like it a lot. Why? Because I like to watch the series in English with English subtitles, and that’s just not possible with Amazon Prime. I can’t compare other facts, so let’s get back to Netflix. I really like their wide range of series and of course movies. Almost everyone I wanted to watch is available, some newer ones are not yet but I’m sure they’re coming soon 😉 The only problem is, that you can’t watch all the seasons that are already out in Germany, so I always have to wait a bit longer to continue. Anyways, here are my top series to watch on Netflix:
The Walking Dead
An absolute MUST! I love The Walking Dead even if I have to confess that it can get a little bit boring from time to time. But every time I got bored something very unexpected happened, and I wasn’t bored at all anymore! Main characters die completely unexpected; crazy things happen, and well a lot of blood is shown. If you don’t like zombies and this kind of movies, it’s probably not a series for you to watch. But if you like it, then you shouldn’t wait any longer and start watching The Walking Dead. I’m currently watching season six and have to wait for tomorrow to see the new episode. Have you seen the last one? I can’t believe Glenn is dead; I’m pretty sure he’s not! They wouldn’t let him die like this, would they? x)
Orphan Black
This is the last series I started a couple of weeks ago, and I already finished all the season that are available on Netflix Germany. It’s a science fiction series about clones, secret projects and complots. The series focuses on one of these clones, Sarah Manning, who didn’t know about her “doppelgänger” until she sees how one of them commits suicide. During the first season, Sarah discovers that she is a clone and that she has more than one “sister”. They get into a lot of difficulties, plots and have to solve many problems. One of their biggest problems: someone is trying to kill all of them. You see, it’s very thrilling, and I don’t want to tell you more, you should watch it yourself.
Sense8 is another science fiction series. Main characters are eight strangers from different parts of the world (Berlin is one of these parts) who suddenly become linked – mentally and emotionally. They can experience the same situations the other ones do; they can help and talk to each other. First they don’t know what’s going on because nobody else can see, feel and hear what they do when they’re linked to one of the others. It’s interesting how they get closer to each other and how they’re trying to find out why and how they’re connected to each other. There’s only one season so far, but it’s definitely worth watching it. I can’t wait for the next season to start. 🙂
Pretty Little Liars
I’ve always been a fan of Gossip Girl, even when I usually prefer thriller or science fiction series. I’ve heard a lot about Pretty Little Liars, but never started watching it until I got sick a couple of months ago. I had to lie in bed for a week and watched almost three seasons during this time. I couldn’t stop after this week and continued. Of course, it’s a teen-drama series, but it’s a thriller series as well. Pretty Little Liars is about four friends who get threatened by an anonymous foe while they’re unraveling the mystery of the murder of their best friend. It’s probably not one of the series you can watch together with your boyfriend, but it’s perfect for an evening home alone. 😉
Other Series
I really want to see Extant, Blindspot and The Strain. They’re all not available on Netflix Germany. But the trailers look pretty nice! Have you seen them or heard about them? Which series are you watching at the moment and which can you recommend? I’m waiting for new seasons, so I really need some suggestions to bridge the time with a new series. Leave me a comment, I can’t wait to hear about your favourite series and read all your suggestions. Happy Sunday. xx

you're beautiful, you look like a prinzesen
seit kurzer Zeit hab ich auch Netflix, bin natürlich begeistert! Gossip Girl hab ich schon vor einer Ewigkeit geschaut und liebe es, kann ich immer wieder anmachen. hab daher auch Pretty Little Liars angefangen, wurd ja verglichen, aber ich muss sagen, dass PLL nicht an Gossip Girl rankommt, trotzdem irgendwie ganz cool und ich möcht jetzt auch wissen wie's weitergeht :)was ich dir auf jeden Fall empfehlen kann, ist "Suits" - unglaublich gut! will gar nichts dazu erklären, weil ich's eh nicht richtig erklären kann ;)LG Katrin
Hey Katrin, danke für deinen Tipp. Habe schöb öfter gehört, dass Suits gut sein soll, bin mir aber irgendwie noch unsicher. Aber mal sehen... :) LG
hach, ich liebe Serien. Bei Netflix kann ich dir z.B. auch Penny Dreadful empfehlen. Außerdem ist auch noch Hemlock Grove eine sehr gute Serie.Liebe Grüße Alexandra