It’s the weekend yaaay! Do you have any special plans? Well, we’ll definitely enjoy this beautiful weather, because it’s finally a bit warmer and the sun is out! Can’t wait to shoot some summery outfits, to eat icecream or frozen yoghurt – this decision still has to be made – and maybe will go for a swim or at least we’ll sunbathe a bit. 😉 Whatever you’re up to this weekend, here comes another outfit to inspire you for some weekend looks:
Edited x Maja Wyh Marine Dress
Do you guys know Maja Wyh? She’s gorgeous, I really like her style, so it’s no wonder that I had to buy at least one piece of the collection she designed in cooperation with Edited. My choise? The Marine Dress. You all know, that I’m a huge fan of maxi dresses and this one is really makes a change to all the other maxi dresses I own. The most important fact: it’s long! It’s so long, it covers my shoes when I’m standing and I really love this fact! Other details I really like about this dress are the trumpet sleeves as well as the fact, that it is an off-the-shoulder dress. So all together I just can say well done! 😉
What do you think about this dress?
I absolutely love your dress! I am obsessed with off shoulder styles and even more obsesssed with stripes! you look great!
Thank you so much :))
Das Kleid ist hammerscharf. Gefaellt mir sehr gut. Das einzige was ich aendern wuerde waere die Laenge ;-) Ich mag es ein klein wenig kuerzer.Lieben GrussAlex -
Maria Pngt
WOW! Das Kleid steht dir so gut, und das meine ich ernst. Ich habe viele Blogger auf Instagram schon mit diesem Kleid gesehen und dachte mir jedes Mal, dass das Kleid echt nur Maja Wyh tragen kann und jetzt kommst du daher und siehst absolut klasse darin aus <3 Die Fotos und die Bearbeitung sind auch wirklich gut gelungen :)liebste Grüße,Maria Pngt
Oh, vielen lieben Dank für dieses riesen Kompliment :)