You might have noticed that we had a lot of rainy days in Berlin lately. And it’s very hard to take new outfit pictures, well, even Instagram pictures, on these days. We’re trying our best, but the pictures don’t turn out the way we want them to. That’s why we’re not shooting on rainy days at the moment. The day we took these pictures was a rainy one as well, but luckily it began right after we finished the first round. We wanted to take different pictures in a second round, but the rain came up.. But I hope you’ll enjoy the pictures anyways!
Rainy Days call for All Black Outfits
It was dark when I woke up and it was still dark when I finally decided to get up – pretty depressing, isn’t it? I didn’t feel like wearing a lot of colours, well, I didn’t feel like wearing colours at all. The result? An all black outfit. But that’s just how it is: rainy days call for all black outfits! Since it’s already way too cold in Berlin, I was wearing this oversized black sweater again. This black one, as well as the oversized white one, are my favourites for cold autumn and winter days! 🙂 Maybe I should start looking for more options otherwise you’ll see them very often during the next weeks!
The combination? I combined the black sweater with black jeans, black boots, a grey scarf and my beloved black hat. Oh and I almost forgot my grey coat from Subdued – thank god this one is keeping me warm at the moment. Btw: I ordered a grey hat and can’t wait to show you the first outfit! 🙂 But back on topic: what do you think about this look and what kind of outfits do you usually wear on rainy days? Enjoy your Monday, have a great start into the new week and don’t forget to leave me a comment. xx

I had to include this picture x) It was freaking windy and I almost lost my hat! I catched it the moment it was about to fall down into the water.

Ich liebe deine Seite so sehr! Danke für die schönen Sachen, die du mir auf dem Blogger Bazar verkauft hast :) Du bist so schön <3 Liebe Grüße aus Dresden!Melanie
Wie lieb von dir, vielen lieben Dank! :) Es hat mich gefreut, dich am Samstag zu treffen und toll, dass dir die Sachen so gefallen - jetzt liegen sie endlich nicht mehr nur im Schrank rum :) Ganz liebe Grüße