I hope you all had a great St. Nicholas’ Day and got a little something from your beloved ones. 😉 In Berlin it was snowing for the first time this winter, but more muddy than pretty. Usually I prefer to enjoy the snow at home than outside.
Enough about the weather, lets talk about the important things, lets talk about my outfit! I have to confess, the pictures aren’t from yesterday we took them some days ago. As you can see it was warm enough to combine my new chequered True Religion shirt with my denim jacket. I won’t be able to wear this at the height of winter. I was so lucky when I found this plaid shirt from True Religion on sale for only 19 Euros some weeks ago. I felt in love with the colours of the chequers, the friendly mix of colours, the blue and pink. I called this pot chequer chaos because of the different chequers: small, big, large, short, straight and diagonal, to cut the matter short: chequers chaos. But now I want to know: do you have a favourite plaid shirt? And how would you combine it?

Zara Jacket // True Religion Shirt // Zara Jeans // Buffalo Boots // Longchamp Bag
less is more
in love with your amazing boots!www.lessismoreblog.com
Sabela y Romina
Nos encanta el look amigasyresidentesenstylestation.blogspot.com
HELLOmy name is Antonio and I'm ItalianYou are so sweety and beautifulI hope you like PLAID / TARTAN / GINGHAM shirts.I have a great passion for plaid shirts since I was little . Just like some collect stamps or coins I like to collect pictures of people in plaid shirts .So COULD YOU TAKE SOME PHOTOS FOR ME WEARING AS MANY PLAID SHIRTS POSSIBLE?I have a private collection of WOMEN and people in PLAID SHIRTS on this website www.FLICKR.COM I also leave you the link if you want to browse .. ok ?Will be fine also photos with friends, family, etc. The importance it's wearing PLAIDS .. ok?PICTURES will never be published except for your ASKINGThat's the link below in wich you could see some photos related of my passion of PLAID:http://www.flickr.com/photos/36248663 @ N00 /ANY way , thanksMerry Christmas I hope that I have not caused any discomfort or inconveniencethank you very muchAntonio ;=)