We spent our last day in Hamburg in the warehouse district again, because we wanted to visit the Miniatur Wunderland. Unfortunately it was smaller than we had expected, but anyway it was gorgeous. All the details and the cities as a miniature version. It’s funny to see the little trains, cars, plains & Co. drivinf and flying through the cities. I can suggest to visit the Miniatur Wunderland to you as well. 😉
We head for home early in the afternoon, so I chose a comfy look: jeans, sweater and Cons.

Zara Leather Jacket // Object Collectors Item Sweater // Zara Jeans // Converse Shoes // MCM Bag
I love your bag *.*http://biancacataldi.blogspot.it/ http://www.facebook.com/biancaritacataldi
The Rubber Doll by Pepa
I love your look! You look so great!http://therubberdoll.com/