Today I’m sharing one of the last outfits I have left. The weather in Berlin is horrible; it’s gloomy and rainy, and we barely can find timeframes to take new outfit pictures. I have two outfits left and the one I’m sharing with you today, is one of these two outfits. I’ll publish the other one tomorrow and then all I can do is hoping, that the weather will be good enough to take new pictures for the next week this weekend. Fingers crossed! But what am I talking about, it’s actually not interesting for you at all, is it? 😉 Let’s stop complaining about the weather and start talking about the outfit I want to share with you today.
I was wearing this sweater a couple of days ago and shared a picture on Instagram. You guys (those who follow me on Instagram) liked it a lot; you absolutely loved the sweater, and that’s why I couldn’t wait to shoot an outfit wearing it. I just had to wait for warmer temperatures, because cold autumn days are not exactly perfect off-shoulder days. Sunday was the day I’ve been waiting for because even though it wasn’t sunny, it was a little bit warmer and I could finally wear my grey off-shoulder sweater as well as my glitter slippers. I have to confess that my feet were a little bit cold after a while. But apart from this, I didn’t freeze at all.
Grey Off-Shoulder sweater and black jeans
Once again I opted for a simple outfit, so I ended up with wearing a black and grey look again. I combined my new off-shoulder sweater with ripped jeans and my glitter shoes to create a more interesting look. I didn’t want to combine it with basic black jeans and black boots because I thought it would look a little bit too boring. The rips, as well as the glitter shoes, are two highlights I chose in addition to the off-shoulder detail; they give the outfit a “busier” but at the same time more interesting look. I also added a choker to the look, but I first wasn’t sure about it. I wasn’t sure if it might be a little bit too much. In the end, I went for it because my neck would have been too naked without a choker or necklace 😉 And since all my necklaces don’t go well with this sweater, I went for the choker. I like that it matches with the jeans and shoes, it takes up the black again.
It’s kind of sad to know that this probably was the last day I had the chance to wear this sweater this year. It’s getting colder every day, and all I want to wear are my big, oversized sweaters! Of course, we’re planning to travel to warmer places soon, but I want to go somewhere REALLY warm, somewhere I don’t need a sweater at all 😉 So I’ll have to wait until spring to finally wear this beautiful off-shoulder sweater again. And there are so much more pieces I would like to wear but can’t because of the weather.. what are the pieces you’re going to miss the most during autumn and winter?