Happy Thursday peeps. 🙂 This week is almost over – talking about workdays – and I’m more than ready for the weekend. I really want to spend some hours on the sofa, watching Netflix and eating cake or maybe fruits; they’re healthier. x) But anyways, two more days to go and to more outfit posts for you to come. Here’s the first one:
Black and Grey Outfit
The last autumn days has been very gloomy and rainy.. it’s so depressing to get up when it’s still dark outside and to come back home when it’s dark again. The title is about both: the weather as well as the outfit. When it’s cold, gloomy and rainy, I usually do not feel like wearing colours, I prefer black and grey instead. Maybe it’s not the best choice to match the outfit and weather because it kind of compounds the depressing atmosphere. What do you like to wear on this kind of days?
Enough about the weather, time to talk about the outfit. It was a rainy day when we shot these pictures, but luckily we found a time slot without rain to take these pictures. I chose a black and grey combination and created this rocking outfit, a combination I feel very comfortable in. You’ve seen all these pieces before black Buffalo Boots, black Zara jeans, grey Pepe Jeans sweater, black Pepe Jeans Leather Jacket and my grey Gina Tricot scarf. They’re all basics I got last year or earlier, what is proof that it’s always a good idea to invest in basics. The western belt is the only newer piece I was wearing; it’s from Asos and I got it a couple of weeks ago.
I hope you like this look, please leave a comment and let me know what you think. xx