As Jacky already told you: Here is another self-made piece of fashion for you, created by schere leim papier. With this tutorial, you can breathe new life in your wardrobe. You probably experienced this: You go through your clothes and find a lot of boring stuff, unicoloured shirts and things of this sort. Well, basics are something you need, but if you’ve got too many of them, you can modify them into your new favorite it-pieces. That’s a good idea anyway, because it’s so hard to find your desired shirt-print in a store. So do it yourself!
For more DIY-tutorials visit me here:

I love the ‘hamsa’ motif, because ethno-prints are super fashionable and this one is also very fanciful. The symbol also has a cultural meaning: The ‘hand of Fatima’ has it’s origin in the pre-Islamic faith and is found especially in North Africa and the Middle East. It is considered to be universally protective and is often used as a talisman. And it’s not such a bad idea to wear a protective icon on your shirt, isn’t it?