Just a disco ball walking through the city!
Sequin Shirt
I have never been a huge fan of sequins, I kinda like them, but I just wasn’t sure if I like to wear them. Well, the other day I found this sequin top at Pepe Jeans and I thought it was the right time to give sequins a try. 😉 Because I couldn’t stop looking at this shirt. I clicked on it, but then I closed the window without putting the shirt in my shopping bag – I did this a few consecutive days before I decided that I have to order the shirt. I think it was the right decision, wasn’t it?
How to wear sequins in your everyday life
I think one of the reasons why I didn’t buy garments with sequins until now is, that I thought it would be a bit difficult to wear them in my everyday life. I thought sequins are for parties and similar occasions. That’s why I challenged me to create a look for everyday life wearing my new sequin shirt. And here it is: I combined the Pepe Jeans sequin shirt with blue jeans, bicolour High Heels and a leather jacket. Of course, you can change the shoes if you don’t want to wear High Heels. I would suggest a cool pair of boots. 🙂 I’m happy with the result and what do you think?
I’m sure I’ll wear this sequin shirt more often during the day and not only for a party. 😉 Let me know what you think and enjoy your Saturday <3

Also ich finde es sehr hübsch. Warum nicht auch mal im Alltag etwas Auffälligeres tragen?! Aber du hast vollkommen recht, dass man das mit anderen "normalen" alltagstauglichen Teilen kombinieren muss. Hast du perfekt hinbekommen ;-) Bin auch nach den Posts mit so viel Schwarz froh, mal wieder hellere Farben an dir zu sehen. Ach übrgens, wann kommt hier eigentlich das schwarze Minikleid? ;-)
Was für eine himmlische Erscheinung!