Good Morning and Happy Thursday folks! This week has been very busy and exhausting so far and I hope it’ll be a bit better these last two days because I’m more than ready for the weekend. In addition to this, the weather is very bad here in Berlin. It seems like it’s always dark and rainy the days we want to shoot and sunny the day we didn’t plan to shoot a new outfit. Luckily I had a lot to share with you this week, but now it’s high time for a new outfit post:
The perfect grey coat is not only grey but also oversized
I’m in love with my new grey coat. I do like not only the colour but also the details and the oversized cut! Well, I got it in a bigger size, but it still looks pretty nice. Since it’s oversized, I have the chance to layer a lot of clothes underneath in case it’s going to be much colder. For now it works with only two layers underneath a t-shirt and a sweater. I combined my new coat with an all black outfit because once more I wanted to keep it simple. Besides that, an all black outfit is a nice contrast to the light grey coat and highlights it even more.
I hope you’ll enjoy the pictures as well as your day. 🙂 I’ll try to get as much work as possible done and maybe we’ll visit a Christmas market today. There are soooo many nice ones in Berlin; we have to start soon to be able to see as many as possible 😉 What are your plans for today? xx

Stefan Brauer
Ich muss Admite ist dies die perfekte Mantel zu tragen in diesen Tagen.
That coat is really nice! Lovely style!MARTA from
Ich finde den Mantel auch superschön :) Bin heute das erste mal auf deinem Blog gelandet und muss sagen: du bist wirklich eine Schönheit :)
Hammer Look!!! <3 Würde es genau so tragen .. Hast echt einen schönen Blog!Es würde mich riesig freuen, wenn du meinen BLOG besuchst!