Since it is the last day of 2014, it is time to share a BEST OF with you.
2014 was all about growth, change, trying new things, having fun and of course so much more. In 2014 I finally quit my job and ventured into self-employment together with my boyfriend. This meant that I was able to focus a little more on my blog: I had the chance to work with great brands, to attend interesting and joyful events and we finally had the chance to put 3.0 online.
These are only a few examples for the changes in 2014. These changes made it possible to grow with the blog: had around 16.000 unique visitors in 2013 and we topped this with around 56.000 unique visitors in 2014. You guys visited around 100.000 pages on in 2013 and it were a bit more than 260.000 in 2014. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Thank you for always stopping by and thank you for being a part of it. 🙂
We worked a lot in 2014, but we had a lot of fun as well. Some of the best experiences are all the blogger events, because it’s great to meet new people, to meet other bloggers, especially when you get the chance to make new friends 🙂

But most of I all I love to look back to all the travels. This year I travelled five times: Mallorca, Paris, Dublin, Venice and Fuerteventura only a few weeks ago. 🙂 And I hope I’ll have the chance to travel even more in 2015.
One of the best experiences in 2014 was the tandem jump I did in August. I’m sure you remember the funny video I shared with you? x)

Last but not least it’s time to talk about all my outfits of 2014. Thanks to the self-employment we had the chance to shoot more outfits than we were able to in 2013, you can find them all on my Looks Page here – I posted way to much to show you all the looks in this post again, so please visit my Looks page. 🙂
The three most clicked looks were:
Air Max Thea

I want to continue growing, learning, experiencing and exploring in 2015. And of course I want you to be a part of this. I’ll continue sharing all the things that happen with you and I hope you want to be a part of this. See you in 2015 and thank you for 2014 <3
Alles Gute fürs neue Jahr und danke für die Arbeit mit deinen Blog. Guten Rutsch!
Dankeschön, auch dir alles Gute für das neue Jahr! :)
Im so in love with you ♥