I’m back in Sydney, but I still have a few post from our roadtrip and of course from our stay in Melbourne, so let’s continue with another shoot we did somewhere on the road between Canberra and Horsham.
Railway Crossing
We came across a lot of nice shooting locations, but unfortunately we couldn’t stop at all of them 😉 But as you probably can see, this Railway Crossing was one of the locations we took pictures at. The railway tracks accompanied us for quite a while during our roadtrip… as a part of our trip we had to share it with you. Enjoy the pictures and another roadtrip outfit.
The outfits you wear during a roadtrip have to be as comfortable as possible, because usually you’re sitting in a car for quite a while.. that’s why I chose the following: white Converse, black shorts and the Defend Paris Coexist Denty as well as my mirrored Ray Ban Sunglasses. The T-Shirt and the sunnies make the look less boring, that’s why I chose them 😉
What do you think about the location and the look?

Super tolle Bilder!Liebe Grüße Lisa von www.lisasgirlystuff.blogspot.de
Dankeschön. :)