I don’t want to discuss political things, but COEXIST is not only important, it is imperative. And this is exactly what the Defend Paris Coexist Shirt stands for: the cross symbolizes the Christianity, the Croissant the Islam and the Star in 6 points symbolizes the Judaism.
My outfit? It was a gloomy Sunday and I opted for a simple look. I combined the lace Defend Paris Coexist Shirt with black jeans and one of my new Lacoste shoes I got from vente-privee. 🙂

Defend Paris Coexist Shirt* // Zara Jeans // Lacoste Shoes (SALE!!!)* // Joop! Bag* // DKNY Ceramic Watch
Nicht nur ein Statement auch ein sehr schönes Shirt! Die weißen Lacoste Schuhe sind ein schöner Kontrast dazu.
Jessica Rose
I love this outfit, this is what I wear pretty much on my days off, so I'm biased! http://vodkaandarose.blogspot.co.uk