After a month of training and preparations the adidas Runners City Night in Berlin finally took place last Saturday. I was looking forward to this day since I began with my training and was pretty excited and kind of nervous before the run. I started the day helping a friend moving houses, what was very…
adidas Runners City Night Berlin 2016: intermediate status
19. July 2016
About two weeks ago I shared a post about the adidas Runners City Night Berlin 2016. I didn't only tell you more about the run, but also about my breathing problems and why it's everything but easy for me to go for a run. Since the beginning of July, I've been training on a regular…
Yoga & Meditation @Berlin Fashion Week with Adidas
4. July 2016
Happy Monday guys! Instead of sharing another business post today, I want to start sharing all my Fashion Week related content from last week. I went to a couple of events and shows during Fashion Week in Berlin and tried to capture as many moments as possible for you. Those who follow me on Snapchat…
adidas Runners City Night Berlin 2016: the training
29. June 2016
Those who've been following me for a while now, know that I do my workouts regularly but that I'm everything but a good runner. I used to play hockey when I was younger but had to stop when I was 16 years old. I always did sports, but over the years I became massive breathing…
Beach Workout with Adidas
6. April 2016
I have to confess, I didn't do as much sport during our Thailand trip as I usually do. Of course, I planned to take advantage of the gyms and to go jogging on the beach, but well, it barely happen x) I did it only two times in two weeks... Nevertheless, I would like to…
Kayla Itsines Bootcamp Berlin
17. February 2016
Those who follow me on Instagram and Facebook already know that I took part in the Kayla Itsines Bootcamp in Berlin. You probably know that I go to the gym regularly, so we can say for sure that I'm - kind of - fit. Well, at least, I should be ;) But Kayla's workout was…
How to stay motivated to work out
11. October 2015
It's getting colder; days are closing in, and our motivation fades. Time for a new fitness post in which I want to talk about how to stay motivated to work out. Working out is important for your mental health as well as for your body. When you work out, you'll feel better in any way.…
TRX Lower Body Exercises for stronger, leaner legs and a shaped, toned butt
31. August 2015
Good morning folks. Are you ready for the third and last part of our TRX series? Sophia and I already showed you some TRX Upper Body as well as TRX Core Exercises and today's post is all about effective TRX Lower Body Exercises. Have you already tried some of the exercises we shared with you…
TRX Core Exercises for defined abs and a strong back
24. August 2015
While I'm on my way to Stockholm, it's time for the second part of Sophia's (Fit & Fab) and my little TRX series. How did you like the first part we shared with you last Monday? Have you already tried some of the TRX Upper Body Exercises we showed you? If you're not sure about…
TRX Upper Body Exercises for slim, defined arms and a strong back
17. August 2015
Those, who've been following me for a while now and those, who check my Instagram or Facebook now and then might already now, that I do my TRX Suspension Training regularly. I used to do this during my stay in Australia as well to keep myself fit and strong and already shared a few tips…
Fit in the city
29. June 2015
Nothing better than an intense workout on a Sunday, am I right? ;) You might already know, that I usually go to the gym three times a week to do my TRX workout and a little bit cardio training. I always go on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and sometimes on Sunday as well - it…
How to stay fit while traveling
23. March 2015
Some of you might say, why the hell should I want to work out while I'm on holidays? Well, when I say traveling I'm not talking about the one or two weeks holidays you might think about, I'm talking about a long term travel, about being away from home for more than two weeks. How…