I found this bright pink scarf the other day at Gina Tricot and I had to buy it! Some weeks ago I told you I need more colourfull clothes (see the post again here).. there’s no need to say more about this scarf, right? 😉 haha. Enjoy your first Sunday in Advent! 🙂

Hollister Coat (old) // Zara Sweater // Dr.Denim Jeans // Gina Tricot Pink Scarf // Banane Taipei Bag
I like your blog dear! Do you want to follow each other? Read my blog in ENGLISH, SPANISH and ITALIAN !
thanks, of course we can follow each other :)
Great post and blog :) I totally love the scarf girl! Would you maybe like to follow each other? Love, Annawww.fashionanna.com
Thank you! yea, let's follow each other :)
Lovely bag!xxNEW POST! Red Head's ~ LINK
The Banana Tapei bag is brilliant.http://THEURBANPROMENEUR.blogspot.com
fashion blog
Lovely post,I really like your posts,especially this one :) would you like to follow each other via bloglovin and gfc? I will be very happy if you also check out my blog :) Have a nice week! KissesVIEWRAMA my fashion blog
Thanks for your comment. We can follow each other with bloglovin :)
Journey Son
Cute outfit, love the tote
I for one love the color pink. you have a lovely style. I have such a similar coat that im wearing for winter too cute. and love the boots too. xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @ www.gigikkitchen.blogspot.com
thank you gigi :)