Well, the titel of this post might sound a bit conceited, but I don’t want to say that I think I have a beautiful rear. It is something different I would like to say with this outfit, titel and post: the neckline doesn’t have to be at the front of the garment, sometimes it is more ellegant and beautiful when it is at the back. I’m a huge fan of garments with a low-cut at the back even if I can’t/ don’t want to wear them without a bra.
Low Cut Back Dress
The dress I was wearing when we shot the photos is from Forever21 and I bought it last year during a promo for only 10 Euros. I wasn’t sure if I would wear it, but 10 Euros are a containable risk 😉 It took me almost a year to wear it for the first time, but well, I did it! Hahaha.. and there is a great chance that I’ll wear it again 🙂 Low cut back dresses are a better option than those dresses, who have a low neckline, aren’t they? They don’t screem look at my tits, look what I’ve got. Well, maybe they screem look at me as well, but in a better way – but that’s just what I think. So what about you? Do you prefer low cut back dresses or low neckline dresses?

Oh man, das verschlägt einem ja die Sprache. Wow! Hammer sexy! Ist aber auch ganz schön kurz.
Sam Figueroa
Finde du hast da recht. EIn Rückenausschnitt wirkt deutlich eleganter als ein tiefes Dekolleté. Das Kleid würde ich dann aber eventl. mit einem BH mit durchsichtigem Rücken tragen. An sich steht es dir aber echt mega, und die Schuhe runden das Outfit super ab.LG, Sam
Ja ein BH mit transparenten Trägern wäre definitiv die bessere Wahl, leider habe ich derzeit keinen :(
Du hast mir den Kopf verdreht.