About two weeks ago I shared a post about the adidas Runners City Night Berlin 2016. I didn’t only tell you more about the run, but also about my breathing problems and why it’s everything but easy for me to go for a run. Since the beginning of July, I’ve been training on a regular basis. I still go to the gym three times a week, but usually, don’t run when I’m on the treadmill. I use the gym to strengthen my body, because when you want to be a good runner, it’s important to have a strong core 😉 In addition to the three times at the gym, I go for a short run two times a week. I usually only do a 3K run, but really have to get up to 5K since I’ll do the 5K run at the adidas Runners City Night Berlin 2016. 😉 But how did I do the past weeks? Which improvements did I make over the past weeks?
adidas Runners City Night Berlin 2016: intermediate status
I skipped the gym yesterday and went for a run instead and guess what? I run about 7km for the first time! Well, I probably had done a 7K run before, but definitely not during the past years since my breathing problems appeared. It felt so good to run such a “long” distance. x) Now I know, that I’m able to run the 5K run during the 25th adidas Runners City Night Berlin.
I also went to a homoeopath to figure out what to do regarding my breathing problems. I went to a lot of different doctors before, and I really hate taking chemical medicines. That’s why I decided to go to my homoeopath, and she helped me with other problems before. By now I can’t tell you that much about it, but I’ll definitely keep you posted. 🙂
adidas Runners City Night Berlin 2016: run with me
You’ll be in Berlin on the 30th of July? Join me and let’s run the 5 km together! The official registration period is already over, but you can still register on the 29th of July. The late registration will take place at Karstadt Sports (Joachimstaler Straße 5-6, 10623 Berlin) from 10.00 am until 7.30 pm. If you want to run with timekeeping, you have to pay 25 Euro without timekeeping it’s 12 Euro. And don’t forget: adidas will invest 1 Euro for each kilometre you run in a fitness projects in Berlin.

In friendly cooperation with adidas
schöne Fotos :) Jacky, was mit dem Gewinnspiel bei Instagram? weißt Du schon, wer bei der City Night dabei sein darf? :)LG!
Hey! Dankeschön :) Ja stehen schon fest und wurden benachrichtigt, aber komm doch trotzdem? Einen Tag vorher kann man sich ja noch anmelden! :))
danke für die schnelle Nachricht! letztes Jahr war's sehr schön, vielleicht komme ich echt noch! :)
Free Instagram Likes
Hello Jacky!You really look gorgeous wearing those! As always Adidas goes for sports!You have stunning photos right here!Great post!
thank you :)
Wundervolle Bilder. Sieht ganz bezaubernd aus und du hast eine absolute Traumfigur. Mega. XO Julia
danke maus <3