In this 4 Days 4 Ways serial I show you how to wear one of the must-have pieces of the last summer season, the skort, in winter. During the next days you’ll see four different skort looks you can wear when it’s cold outside.
Let’s start with look Nr.1: I combined the famous Zara skort with a black sweater, black booties and my H&M leo coat. Certainly you can wear this outfit with flats or boots as well. 🙂
P.S.: Today you can see my first outfit video! 🙂 I hope you like it. x

H&M Leo Coat // H&M Sweater // Zara Skort // Buffalo Booties // Gucci Bamboo Bag // Michael Kors Watch
Superhübsches Outfit! Das man sowas in freier Wildbahn noch zu sehen bekommt..
Nice mantel . Visit my new blog at
great outfit! love your shoes and coat! :*