I hope you guys had an amazing past week and are enjoying your weekend to the fullest. For me, it is a very busy day today, because I am spending it with Adidas to learn more about their Wanderlust project. In the meantime you can read everything about what I was doing last week, starting with the past Saturday and ending on Friday. So here we go: Saturday was a quite productive day. We started the day with breakfast at home, went for a long walk with Jimmy and afterwards we had to take some pictures for different projects. We were thinking about going out that evening, but we were a little bit exhausted and decided to stay at home and watch Taboo instead. Sunday wasn’t very spectacular as well. My boyfriend had a soccer match in the early afternoon, so we just took some outfit pictures before he had to leave. Since we were very unproductive the past weeks regarding outfit pictures, we had to take advantage of the nice weather and take some more pictures than we usually do 😉 After my boyfriend had left I did the housework and went for a run. Last Sunday was Mother’s Day, so I decided to run to my parent’s place, which is about 7 km from my home. I bought flowers on the way to their place and surprised here. I actually had to wait 15 minutes in front of a closed door, because the were out for an early dinner, haha.
There is actually not much to tell you about the days from Monday until Friday. I spend all day at the office on Monday as well as on Tuesday, got a lot of work done and didn’t do anything in the evening or morning… but on Wednesday I went to a yoga class. I told you that I want to do it on a regular basis and Wednesday was the second time in a row 😉

I always feel super relaxed after the yoga class, and I think it is very good for my body as well. The weather on Wednesday was amazing, but I had to drive to the office after the yoga class. After a couple of hours working at the office, we decided to have lunch somewhere in the sunshine, and that’s exactly what we did: we drove to one of our favourite Italian restaurants and had lunch in the sun. Later that day I was at the Vitali Gelwich DIVERSITY Kick Off together with SKYY VODKA, which was a fun event due to the people I spent time with there. 🙂
My Thursday started with a visit to the IGA here in Berlin (some garden show) because it was our birthday present for my grandmother. It was the hottest day of the week (around 30°C), and we spent three hours walking in the sunshine – you probably can imagine how exhausting it was. But it was great to be outside instead of sitting at the office all day 😉 It took us much longer to drive to the IGA than expected, so we were back at the office quite late. Nevertheless, we had to get work done, so we spend the rest of the day in front of our monitor. Friday was another great day in Berlin regarding the weather, but we still had to get a lot of work done we couldn’t finish on Thursday, that’s why we spend most time of the day at the office again. Therefore I can’t tell you anything interesting about that day – I am sorry. I even didn’t do anything in the evening, because I was too tired and exhausted.
That’s it for my past week, but I want to add one more thing: last week I started creating “mini-vlogs” for my Instagram story. I am not sharing random pictures anymore; I am filming with my camera all day, cut the video with Premiere Pro and share it on Instagram the day after. So stopping by and following me is worth it 😉