The past week wasn’t the most exciting one, but the past weekend was! As you might know, I ran my very first half marathon in Berlin last Sunday, so the weekend was all about this event. But let’s start with Saturday: I spent most time of the day at the Runbase here in Berlin, meet up with Adidas, got taped and just enjoyed the day sitting outside in the sun. Later that day I attended a yoga event hosted by Zalando. I’ve done yoga before, but I had never done hot yoga, so this was my very first time. And I think I like it a bit better than “normal” yoga.
I think it is easier to get into the positions when it’s between 30 and 40°C, isn’t it? I definitely want to do it again. I won’t share all the details about the event today because I’ll write a blogpost about it tomorrow and I think I will share it on Tuesday 🙂 So let’s get straight to the next day, to Sunday. I got up quite late on Sunday to have breakfast and get ready for the half marathon. I had to be at the start area around 9 am and due to all the closed roads, we had to leave around 8.15 am. I was sooo nervous, but couldn’t wait to start at the same time. Since I will also write a blogpost about the half marathon, I will only tell you that much today: I made it, and I made it in 2:14 h.
I was super happy when I woke up on Monday and didn’t feel sore at all. Of course, my feet hurt a little bit, but overall I was feeling pretty good. We spend ll day at the office because I had lots of work to get done and it was such a productive day. After work, we went grocery shopping, prepared a super delicious salad bowl and watched the seasons finale of The Walking Dead. Tuesday and Wednesday looked quite the same: I spent most time of the day at the office, drove home, prepared dinner and watched a series. On Wednesday I left the office for an hour because I visited the Subdued store again. That was kind of the highlight of the day x) I got to choose some new styles for April, and I can’t wait to show you what I got. I will soon share the outfit, for now, you can check my Instagram account for a little preview.
I wish I could tell you more interesting things about Thursday, but it actually was just another day at the office. The weather was super nice, the sun was shining, and we took advantage of the sunny weather to take new outfit pictures in the morning. Afterwards, we drove to the office where I spend the next couple of hours. I got a lot of work done that day, so I could leave quite early (around 6 pm), drive home, go for a run and cook dinner afterwards. Friday started at the gym; I went there with a friend to start doing strength training again. Due to all the running, I really let it slide, and it actually would have been better if I didn’t stop with strength training. You need a strong core and back if you want to be a good runner and I could have needed it during the half marathon on Sunday. But that’s another story to be told… I will talk about this topic next week. 🙂
So after the gym session, my friend and I drove to the office to work on a special project. We worked on it all day, and when I came home in the evening, I didn’t do anything but eating and watching series. So yep, Friday was a quite boring day again. I wish I could share more interesting stuff today, but I can’t. I hope you’ll like it anyways. Enjoy your Sunday. xx