Blog Posts and Youtube Videos of the Week
I shared two new outfit post this past week, what is not as much as I wish I had published, but it still is better than nothing. I am always trying to give as many inspirations as possible, which means that I would love to share a new post every single day. Of course, I don’t have the time to do it, but I would love to try to share the amount of posts you would like to see per week. So don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments.
Now let’s talk about the two outfit posts I shared last week. Both outfits were autumn outfits, and they are quite different from each other. The first outfit is a very casual one I was wearing on a day at the office. It is all about white boots I combined with baggy jeans and a long checked coat. The other outfit is a little bit chicer and more fashionable than the first one. I was wearing a new pair of cowboy boots, and I am also talking about the boots as a trend in this post. If you want to know more, check it out.
And now let’s talk about Youtube. Well, the thing is, I didn’t publish anything the past week. I do have a few videos I still have to edit, but I didn’t have the time to finalise them. But don’t worry, some videos will go online next week. So stay tuned.
Looks of the Week
Believe it or not, we were quite productive last week and shot a couple of outfit photos last week. I hope we will keep up being this productive, but it’s getting soo cold in Berlin, and I don’t feel like going outside or getting dressed or taking outfit pictures. Winter just isn’t my season.

What happened the past week
What a week! I had a lot of events this past week as well as work to get done, and I was super excited for the weekend haha. But let’s start with the past weekend, which was a very quiet one. I always want to be productive even on the weekends and take – at least – some new outfit pictures or work a little bit on the blog. But the past week I just didn’t feel like doing anything at all, so that’s what we did. We spent a lot of time at home, watching series and relaxing. This calm weekend was much needed, and I was ready for a new and eventful week on Monday.
I started the new week with a workout, followed by the Two Tell Influencer Lunch at Ellington Hotel. I didn’t know what to expect, but the lunch was such a lovely event, and I had a great time. I went straight to the office afterwards, but I arrived later than expected and didn’t have a lot of time to get some work done. It wasn’t a very productive day, but I couldn’t do anything, but except it, so we left the office at 6 pm and decided to eat out for dinner. Not a bad thing to do instead of working 😉
Tuesday was a productive day at the office, and in the early afternoon, I headed to Marcell von Berlin together with Caro and Kim to choose an outfit for an event on Thursday. And in the afternoon I met up with a friend I haven’t seen in a while (I think almost a year!). We had dinner together and talked for hours, which was so great. I was in bed quite late and so tired on Wednesday, but had to get up early to drive to the office and get work done – finally! It was a full day at the office and one I needed a lot! Thursday I also spent most of the time at the office, but in the evening I had two events, so I had to leave a little bit earlier to get ready. I first went to the WeWork Creator Awards I will soon write a blog post about, and afterwards, I headed straight to the Bunte New Faces Award. Both events were so much fun, and I am super sad, I had to leave the Creator Awards a little bit earlier to go to the New Faces Award. But I met Kim and Caro there, and we had a great time together – as always 🙂
As you can guess, I was in bed super late on Thursday and “slept in” on Friday what means that I got up at 7.30 am instead of 6 am haha. I spent the whole day at the office and tried to finalise some last tasks on my endless to-do list before the weekend. In the evening we decided to take it easy and stayed at home. We ordered food and watched Netflix until we fell asleep. Not a bad Friday though.