Christmas is coming closer way too fast, but luckily I made into to the city yesterday to buy some Christmas gifts. So there are only a few more to buy left. I’m sure I won’t finish before the 24th of December and will have to go for some last-minute-shopping. Every year the same procedure.. 😉
So now you know what I did most of the time yesterday. But how was the rest of the week? Well, I worked a lot and spent most time at the office. On Monday, I attended two events here in Berlin. First I visited On Time PR for some belated “Nikolaus Shopping” and I was at the Fabletics Clean Baking Session afterwards. We had the chance to watch Fabletics Master Patrycja baking some delicious Christmas cookies and sweets and, of course, to try them. 😉 I didn’t like all of them, but some were very delicious. Maybe I’ll try to make some of them next week. Have you already baked some Christmas cookies this year? 🙂
I guess that’s it for today. There’s not much more to tell you about last week since I was working most of the time. The next days won’t be any different. It’ll probably be all about work and preparing things for the upcoming holiday season because I don’t want to spend the holidays at the office. Hopefully, we can take some days off between Christmas and NYE. What are your plans for the holidays?

Zum Glück habe ich dieses Jahr schon alle Geschenke (ich frage mich selbst, wie ich das geschafft habe!), aber sonst war es bei mir auch immer so, dass ich am 24. noch auf den letzten Drücker was gekauft habe! :D Irgendwie sind die Tage vor Weihnachten immer so super stressig... zum Backen bin ich dieses Jahr auch noch gar nicht gekommen, aber das will ich diese Woche auf jeden Fall noch schaffen! :)Liebe Grüße, Annika von