Blog Posts and Youtube Videos of the Week
Last week I shared another two posts with you guys, and one of them was the big travel guide for Holland. If you are looking for some lovely places to travel to in Holland that is not Amsterdam make sure to check out my post about other destinations there.
Other than that I also shared a new outfit post with you. It is an outfit I was wearing last weekend when it was still quite balmy and sunny in Berlin. It’s an outfit I do like a lot and wish I could still wear, but it’s all rainy and cold now. If you are lucky enough to live somewhere where you can still wear shorts, make sure to check out this between the seasons’ outfit.
Even on Youtube, I uploaded new videos for you guys. Once I was back from my trip to Holland, I immediately started editing my vlogs, and I already uploaded them last week. It’s two different vlogs in total, one from our day in Arnheim and the other one from the day in Nimwegen.
Looks of the Week
I couldn’t share a lot of outfits with you last week, but this week it looks better. Not only was I productive on the weekend, but I also photographed some of my looks when I was in Paris. You can find all of them in the following:

What happened the past week
Let’s start with the last weekend where it was quite warm and sunny in Berlin. It was such a perfect late-summer weekend, and we spent a lot of time outside. We had to create some content, but we also walked around in our neighbourhood for a little while, got cinnamon buns, had lots of coffee and just enjoyed some time together. And if I say we, I am talking about my boyfriend and I. 🙂 On Sunday he had a soccer match, and I decided to go for a long run. I really felt like running, and the weather was just perfect. I ran to my favourite park in our neighbourhood, ran there as well and did 7 km in the end. Afterwards, I sat down by the water for a little while before getting myself an acai bowl. I really enjoyed this day and wish it was still that nice in Berlin. Now it’s all rainy and being outside isn’t fun at all.
On Monday I had a busy day at the office. I had to create some more content and get lots of work done before flying to Paris on Tuesday. From Tuesday until Thursday, I was in this amazingly beautiful city together with Levi’s. I was there together with other girls from Germany, Holland and Belgium and had such a great time. We had a styling session for the new Levi’s Ribcage and the L-Bag, a shooting and lots of fantastic food. We also had quite a lot of free time and Hannah (who was also there), and I spent it walking around Paris, enjoying the beautiful views and visiting some vintage shops. I found two blazers, one from Balmain and one from Boss, both for only 15 Euro. Hannah found a really lovely Burberry trench coat, so it was successful for the both of us 😉
I arrived back in Berlin on Thursday evening and was quite exhausted after two full days in Paris. Nevertheless, I started Friday with a workout. Afterwards, I went to my doctor to get some vaccinations done before our big trip, followed by working from home for the rest of the day.