And just like that, it’s already November… and I am asking myself how this year could go by so fast. While the beginning of 2020, everything was just “normal” (what is normal, btw?!), it changed real quick, and now it’s almost over, and who would have thought life would be what it is right now?
Even during the first lockdown in March and April, I would not have thought that the whole pandemic would still dominate our everyday life end of the year. I thought everything would be over by now. Well, hope dies last. And October was pretty ok:

Madl Wiesn
After traveling quite a lot in September, I didn’t have much planned for October but a few events and lots of work stuff.
And October actually started with a pretty big event: Madl Wiesn in Berlin. Usually, they take place in Munich, where the original Wiesn takes place. But due to the pandemic, they decided to stay in Berlin and host the event in an outdoor location of a restaurant – with heating, of course. It was so nice to finally go to a bigger event again, see so many familiar faces, have great conversations, and eat delicious food.
The events are actually one of the things I am missing the most. There was always something going on in Berlin, and I didn’t even have the time to go to everything and was happy when I could skip something every now and then. But now that I can’t go anywhere, I miss having all the opportunities, hahaha.
Design Meetings Onweekends
Since I hadn’t planned a lot for October, I put many projects on my to-do list I wanted to move forward with. And one of these projects is our online shop Onweekends. As you know, we couldn’t launch all the products we wanted to this autumn. We had to postpone a lot and also make some changes, and last month we finally worked on them. I found a fantastic designer who helps me bring my ideas to life. I have so many ideas for next year’s collections, and I can’t wait to show you. Now that we have the designs, we are already in contact with productions. Fingers crossed everything works as planned and that I can show you some first samples pretty soon.
Interview Faces Magazine
Seeing myself in a magazine still feels very unreal, especially when it’s in a print magazine and not only online. In September, Faces Magazine asked me whether I wanted to give them a little interview for their October issue, and, of course, I said yes. Unfortunately, it is only available in German, but I will have it linked for you below if you want to check it out.

New Team Member for
Those who check the blog regularly might have recognized that we finally started uploading new blog posts again. That’s only because finally has a new team member. After our apprentice passed all his tests in August this year, we needed someone new. Johanna joined the team of in the middle of October and will do her mandatory internship at our company. She will be with us at least until mid of February, and that means that there will come a lot of new blog posts and more in the upcoming time. If there is anything you would love to read more about on the blog, let us know in the comments.