Blog Posts and Youtube Videos of the Week
It was a little bit calmer on the blog last week because I only shared two new posts with you. The reason was that I had to prepare Copenhagen Fashion Week a little bit where I am heading tomorrow. The two posts I shared last week are very different. One of them is a beauty and the other one an outfit post. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I am working on a beauty post, and last week, I finally published it. It’s all about my skincare routine this summer I created together with Löwengrip. The outfit post was all about the last look from Berlin Fashion Week I hadn’t shared yet. I was wearing this outfit for two blogger events, and it definitely isn’t a look you see me wearing a lot as it is quite bold. I was wearing a neon green suit and if you want to know more about it, make sure to check out the post.
From the blog straight to YouTube, where I also shared new content. I am still not done sharing all the vlogs from Costa Rica, so last week I published three more. The final one is coming tonight, and it would mean a lot to me if you would check them out and let me know how you like them. 🙂 Now I have a styling video as well as some footage from Coachella and a lot of footage from my trip to Menorca left. I will start editing the videos next week, and hopefully, I can share them with you soon.
Looks of the Week
And just like the weeks before, we weren’t very productive when it comes to outfit photos. BUT next week it’s time for another Fashion Week. I am flying to Copenhagen tomorrow, and I will be there until Thursday. And since I am there for Fashion Week, I will take a lot of outfit photos I can share with you next week. For now, here’s what we photographed this last week:

What happened the past week
We had a very calm and relaxing weekend, spent some time outside, ate a lot of good food, watched our favourite series and just enjoyed some free time before the start of another busy week. Well, it wasn’t that busy the past week, but we spent a lot of time at the office, and it was a work-dominated week. I also worked out quite a lot last week. Monday and Friday I had personal training, on Tuesday Luisa and I went to the gym for some cardio and strength training, and on Wednesday we went for a swim together. Going to the gym and spending some time with Luisa was the most exciting I did last week. Other than that, not a lot worth sharing with you happened. Well, on Thursday in the afternoon I was at another event hosted by Diesel, which was quite nice. These past weeks haven’t been very spectacular, I know. I could share a lot more about my work, but it probably would be a bit boring for you. But the more exciting stuff is coming soon. As you might know by now, I am travelling to Copenhagen next week and the week after I will be in Italy and I really can’t wait 🙂 Other than that we are already planning our big trip starting in October. We will be in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Bali for a month and it’s going to be amazing! Stay tuned guys. xx