Guys, I can’t believe another month is over. 2020 hasn’t been the best year, and one third is over already. This is crazy and makes me feel anxious in some way. As you know, I had a lot of plans for the first half of the year, and due to Corona, none of it worked out. It’s probably the same for you.
March was the first month in quarantine, and everything felt a bit weird. Now another month in quarantine is over, and it somehow became the new normal. Almost every day is the same; there’s not a lot of change happening. I wake up, have breakfast, work, read, work out, and repeat. Nevertheless, I will try to write down a few highlights of April in the following and share more details about my everyday life in quarantine.

Finding new routines
This situation calls for new routines, and I really tried to find them and recreate my days. I am not a person who is used to be home for such a long time. I love to travel, see different places, and talk to different people. I haven’t seen my best friend in months and barely see anyone else. I only try to see my family now and then and am more than happy to live with my boyfriend and to be able to hold him close. I don’t know if you knew, but I am the kind of person who loves hugs, haha. I miss this. I miss hugging my best friend, go for long walks or runs with her or just sit down in a café or restaurant and talk for hours.
Due to that, I need to be busy most time of the day. I am a very structured person; I need to be organized and have routines. That’s why I still set my alarm to 6.30 am every morning Monday to Friday. I get up around 7 am, make breakfast and go back to bed to eat it and watch YouTube videos. Afterward, I either work out, or I start my working day. As I am not leaving home to go to the office, I try to balance my day. I try to not only work but also read, be active (go for a run, long walks, do yoga or work out), and do some creative things such as DIYs or taking photos.
Working on Onweekends
You might be bored with this topic already and are probably wondering when we are finally going live with this project. Onweekends is more work than I expected it to be. It first took me a while to find the perfect clothes. And then we had to decide on the prints and everything. This was even harder. Things didn’t work out as I wanted them to, we had some setbacks, and I was about to fall into despair. But let me tell you: the products are ready! We finally decided what to do, and now we only have to take photos and work on the online shop. Stay tuned; we will launch very soon!

I also had some moments of struggling
I did have some hard times in April. Being in quarantine is hard. Staying sane is hard. And always being positive is also hard. I had some moments of being sad and angry. I am sure I am not the only one, and I want you to know that you are not alone! I am a very positive person, but even I struggle from time to time – especially when I have to stay home 😉
I also was a little bit sick and felt unwell from time to time. I think my body wanted to tell me something – don’t know what it is yet. Maybe I have to calm down a little bit and don’t push myself too hard. I will try to relax my mind and do more things that feel good. I am sure this will make me feel a lot better.
That’s it for this month, guys. April was a tough one; let’s see what May will be about. I hope you are doing well. xx