Happy Sunday everyone! Another week is about to end and before we start the new week tomorrow, I wanna to share everything about the past week with you. In the following I’ll tell you what I did, where I was, what the weather was like and so on. 🙂 I’ll also share another “Snapchat Stories of the Week” video with you, and I hope you’ll like it as much as the other ones. Make sure to follow me on Snapchat (@whaelse), if you want to see everything I’m sharing on Snapchat – the video shows only a couple of my stories and NOT everything 😉
You might have realised that the week I’m talking about is Saturday to Friday. It’s easier for me to do it that way because otherwise I couldn’t prepare the videos 🙂 The weather last week was very nice, it was sunny and mostly warm. I was able to wear shorts and all my other favourite summer clothes. Since the weather was that nice we tried to spend as much time outside as possible. On Saturday, we were in the city to do some shopping and went to a rooftop bar afterwards. Sunday was calmer; I spent a lot of time on the sofa. But we also were outside, we went to a café in our neighbourhood, sat outside and enjoyed a delicious ice coffee. 🙂 You can see, the past weekend was quite nice. On Monday, the weather started to become very unpredictable. It was warm, sticky and party very rainy and thundery. This unpredictable weather made it hard to get dressed in the morning, and I was very demotivated. I didn’t spend a lot of time outside and was sitting at the office almost the whole day from Monday to Thursday. Therefore, there’s nothing exciting to tell about these days 😉
The more interesting things happened on Friday. I flew to Munich for a very special project with Frangelico. You can see parts of it in my Snapchat video, and I’ll tell you everything about it next week. That’s why I won’t tell you that much today. The video gives you a little preview of what I was doing in Munich. And don’t forget to check whaelse.com next week, if you want to hear more about it!
Favourite Song of the past week: Drake – One Dance
Material Craving of the past week: I bought a new pair of denim shorts and I’m in love with this dress. Take or Toss?