Blog Posts of the Week
As I announced the week before, I am not sharing four to five new posts a week anymore. I lowered the number of posts to two or three posts a week, and that’s why I published only two new outfit posts the past week. But it was two outfit posts, and I know how much you like them. And one of them was the first outfit post with pictures from Ibiza.
The first outfit I shared was one of the outfits I was wearing in Berlin after we came back from Miami. It was a lovely day in Berlin, and I finally got to wear my new leo print dress. The other outfit was another casual one, but I wasn’t wearing a dress. I was wearing my favourite colour combination for summer days: denim, white and a touch of red. It was all about mom jeans and white sneakers.
Looks of the Week
You won’t be surprised, when I tell you, that I can’t share as many outfits today as I did last week. That’s because back in Berlin, we didn’t take a lot of outfit pictures. To be exact: we took only two outfit pictures the past week, and here they are:

What happened the past week
It was a hectic week, a lot happened, and it took me a little moment to recap everything haha. I had a couple of meetings and events, but I also spent a lot of time at the office to get some work done. Some of the highlights of the past week?
Let’s start with Monday and the Game of Thrones concert in the evening. My boyfriend and I, we both like Game of Thrones a lot and that’s why I gave him the tickets for Game of Thrones in concert as a present for Christmas. They were playing the series’ music live, and it was so impressive, I had goosebumps at some points.
On Tuesday morning, I took a train to Hamburg for a Paula’s Choice Event. I knew the brand before and was very excited to meet Paula, the founder of the brand, in person that day. She talked about her company, about skincare in general and about what is important to look young and healthy. We also had the chance to get a skin test, and my skin is surprisingly good. 🙂 I had a great time in Hamburg, learned a lot and took the train back to Berlin in the afternoon being a little bit smarter than I was when I arrived in Hamburg.
Another highlight was the Collabary Breakfast on Wednesday morning. It was a little meet up to talk about the network, how they work and get to know a bit more about the latest Pinterest features. It was great to see some of my blogger friends and have breakfast together before I headed back to the office to be productive haha.
The next day started with my very first Personal Training at the Aspria in Berlin. I was so looking forward to it and curious how it would be. Guess what? It was great, and I had very sore muscles the next day. I was a little bit shaky the rest of the day but had two more meetings to attend. First I met up with the brand Antelope, which creates intelligent sportswear. I won’t get too deep into the tech talk today, but maybe I can share a little bit more very soon. 🙂 The last meeting of the day was in the evening, and I met up with a PR agency and some other bloggers for drinks and a lovely conversation. I stayed longer than planed because we had some really lovely topics to talk about.