Blog Posts of the Week
Once again, I didn’t have the time to share as many posts as I wanted to. I have to admit, that I am currently not very motivated and I lack inspirations. It’s the weather I guess and the wanderlust that bothers me a lot at the moment. But luckily I am flying to Amsterdam tomorrow. The weather won’t be any better than in Berlin, but at least I get to see a different place and to do different things. I am really looking forward to it.
I didn’t let you without any posts last week; two outfit posts went online. I really like both of the outfits due to the red details I added to both looks. The first outfit actually is all about my new red coat, so it’s not only a red detail it actually is more than that hahaha. But the second post is all about how to wear striped pants and how I put together a more interesting look by adding a red bag as well as red sunglasses.
Last but not least we shared another post about the hottest Fashion News of the week.
Looks of the Week
I am so tired of saying it again and again: I couldn’t take a lot of outfit pictures due to the shitty weather. Will it ever get better here in Berlin? It’s not only that I can’t really take new outfit pictures, but I also don’t feel like dressing up, and I am usually wearing a sweater and a pair of jeans – and these looks super boring. I even went to the office with my gym clothes on, because I wanted to work out after work hahaha.

What happened the past week
The past week wasn’t my week at all! But I don’t want to complain about all the things that went wrong this past week. I want to focus on the good times I had. The past weekend was quite nice for example. I had a shooting on Saturday and spent a lot of time outside on Sunday since it was a very sunny day.
On Monday I got to test the new mydays Erlebniswelt race & fly, which was SO much fun! If you are a motorsport or plane lover, you will love it there. They have several simulators, so you can try to fly a plane or drive a motorsports car and even though it is only a simulation, you will have a lot of fun and adrenaline – believe me.
Another great day was Wednesday. I first met up with Ame I met last year because she applied for the job at Since I knew, that she wanted to be more active on her on social media accounts and start with Youtube, I encouraged her to go for it. I didn’t hire her, but we still got to work together on Wednesday. We did a video for her channel in which we talked about my blog, the company and me. I can’t wait to see the final result and, of course, I will tell you as soon as it is online 🙂
After I met up with Ame, I had a lunch meeting with Nadja at Grosz. We talked about our businesses, travels and much more and it was great to see her again after a couple of months. And guess what? The day wasn’t over yet. I had one last thing in the afternoon: a dinner date with a friend. So that was a very nice day and made up a little bit for all the bad things that happened. 🙂

Florida Recommendations
We finally decided where to travel later this month, and it is Florida. I have been there before, but only once and I was only in Miami. This time we want to fly to Miami and spend two nights there, but we also want to travel around and get to see a little bit more. We don’t have a fixed route yet, all we know is that we will start the trip in Miami and end it in Miami. So if you have been to Florida before, please don’t hesitate to share your favourite places, beaches, restaurants, activities etc. with me. I would love to know everything! I also would like to know, if there are any places we don’t have to see, so we can save some time and focus on the best places Florida has to offer. 😉
Eine tolle Idee, mal die Looks einer ganzen Woche zu zeigen! meine Favoriten sind die Looks mit Jeans und Blazer und mit dem Teddymantel .-*viele liebe Grüße Melanie /