First of all, I want to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you will spend this day as well as the upcoming days with your beloved ones and have a wonderful time filled with delicious food, lots of presents and, of course, love.
I usually prepared a Christmas post for the blog, but as I know, that most of you are spending these days with their beloved ones and not on the internet, I forbear to do it. Instead, I will share everything about my past week as I am doing it every Sunday. Let’s begin with the previous weekend.
The past weekend was quite busy because we had to buy some Christmas gifts and work on some last posts of the year. On Sunday I finally went to the gym again after not doing any sport for two weeks. As you might know, I am an Aspria member now, and I just started boxing, which is so much fun! It was the first time I went to their boxing class, and I really want to do it more regularly. Unfortunately, it is only twice a week.
It felt great to do sports again, and I was all set up for a productive Sunday. The rest of the week was as busy as the weekend, and yep, I spent most of the time at the office. The most exciting days of the past week where Monday and Wednesday. On Monday I was invited to a blogger event aka shooting with the Bruno Banani and James Bond fragrances. I will add some of the results, so you can see what it was all about 🙂 It definitely was a lot of fun shooting with the fragrances and wearing those super festive and glamorous dresses, but at the same time, I was quite exhausted after being there for almost six hours. I actually just wanted to drive home and fall into my bed, but my parents asked if we wanted to go to a Christmas market together and I couldn’t say no. It was the first visit to a Christmas market this year…

Tuesday was a long day spent at the office, and on Wednesday I spent most of the time at the office as well. In the evening I drove to the Grand Hyatt where I spent one day for a collaboration I am working on with them 🙂 It was such a fun experience to sleep at a hotel in your hometown, I actually really enjoyed waking up in the morning, going down to the restaurant and getting breakfast served haha. Have you ever slept in a hotel in the city you are living in?
After waking up at the hotel on Thursday, we took some last pictures, headed home to leave our luggage there (yes, we brought luggage for the night) and drove to the office afterwards. We tried to be as productive as possible and to get a lot of things done so that we could take it a little bit easier on Friday. It worked quite well, and we were ready for our office’s Christmas party in the evening as well as for a calmer day at the office on Friday. Friday started with a visit to a PR agency – the last one this year – to pick up something for the first collaboration of 2018. It’s crazy to talk about 2018 because I can’t believe 2017 is already coming to an end.
Afterwards, we bought some last Christmas presents, and then we headed to the office to finalise some things. Luisa (schere leim papier) joined us in the early afternoon because she had to take some pictures, and afterwards we baked Christmas cookies as we are doing it every year! It’s a tradition we started when we were still in school 🙂