Kennt ihr diese Tage an denen ihr aufwacht, aus dem Fenster seht und alles was ihr dort seht sind ein grauer Himmel und Regen, Regen und noch mehr Regen? Gestern was so ein Tag (und heute leider auch), aber zum Glück hatten wir 2 Stunden mit Sonne und einem fast blauen Himmel 🙂 Also nahm ich meine neue Tasche – danke an oasap.com -, um etwas Farbe zu meinen schwarzen und grauen Outfit zu geben und meine Gummistiefel und habe diese 2 Stunden genutzt.

Mein Outfit:
Mango Schal
Tasche danke an oasap.com – ihr könnr sie hier finden
Cheap Monday Jeans
Esprit Shirt
Hi, coole Tasche ! Sieht toll zu deinem Outfit aus.
nice shoes! I will follow, plese do the same ;) greets ;)
thanks :)
Loli Anders
Thank u 4 comment in my site www.lolianders.com, i haven't got any: twitter, Facebook, bloglovin and G + wooo to much retro, not? hahahaha!!!.... Really i have a good reason:Twitter: Was an addiction in my phone..... Facebook: I don't like private msg or "the i like button" Why not "I don't like"? Bloglovin: I can't my blog is in spanish and my english sucks! is trash but always i'll try to speak all... yes, i use my hands too.... i'm patetic.... I'm bilingual spanish/portuguese. G+: Always i started and then i deleted all... is like a FB but with more work, circles... stranger people... hahahaha!!!But i'll follow and i'll put Chic in Chicismo... and and ask: Google friend conect here? I want follow u here.... If you want you can follow me there :)Have an amazing week!ps. You won an award 2012 is easy in this link copy and paste "the award" or inspect the html.... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xZmVT4kzRks/T_w6Q6dAc1I/AAAAAAAABnQ/vnyXMrRMl6U/s1600/award2012.jpg
haha okay. thanks for following on chicisimo :) but I haven't Google friend connect.
Thanks for lovely comment. I like your blog. Beautiful pictures. I like to follow you. You can follow mine blog.Big hug! http://thoughtslovediamonds.blogspot.fi/
thanks a lot :)
I follow you with bloglovin! Would you like to follow each other with bloglovin? :)) http://behappybeee.blogspot.fi/
thanks. I'm following back :) x
Hey, your blog is very cute, I`m going to follow you. Feel free to return the favor : )http://ribboninpink.blogspot.com
thanks :) x
Love your outfit!!!!! great shirt! I would love to follow each other, we can do this via bloglovin and facebook! I´m going to follow you right now! :) xo, Alma http://www.soulofashopper.com
thank you so much :) I'm following you now via bloglovin and facebook.
Thanks for visiting my blog, of course i follow you in bloglovinxoxohttp://shop-shop-shopping.blogspot.de/
Miss Daisy
You look so nice! Awesome outift! I like your scarf! xoxowww.secretsofmissdaisy.blogspot.com
Maria Adams
Hey there, lovely blog:), I got your comment, thank you so much for commenting. I just followed you on bloglovin' and put up a new post:), Maria Adams :)
melle lunettes
Thanks for your coment on my blog, i follow you, i hope you follow me back ;) Love your shoes and your bag is so cute !!!Kiss ✿ http://melle-lunettes.blogspot.fr/ ✿
Love your look! following you now on bloglovin doll! hope you follow back, thank you for visiting my blog... it means the world to me... lets stay connected! XOx Borka http://chicfashionworld.blogspot.com/
Schöner blog. Folge dir auf Bloglovin. Würde mich freuen wenn du mir auch folgst :D xo
Beautiful outfit, very nice combo that bag and boots! Very creative. Im following you via bloglovin, hope you want follow back!Thanks for your comment!- Alicehttp://stylist-diaries.blogspot.fi/
Nice outfit! Kisseshttp://cynthiasblog.be
I absolutely love this post :)
It's amazing:)
Great blog Jacky! I really like your style and your natural look! I'm your new follower now!xx