It’s not a secret that I recently signed up on Snapchat. And you also know that I first had my problems with this network. I thought it might be interesting for you to know the reasons why I changed my mind and why I’m using Snapchat now, isn’t it? I’m sure a lot of you already use Snapchat on a daily basis, but for those who aren’t sure whether to sign up or not, here are some convincing reasons to finally do it 😉 Well, they have to be convincing because that’s why I have Snapchat now. Find out why you should use Snapchat in the following and let me know what YOU think about the App and this trend.
Over 100 million daily active users and 400 million snaps per day
First of all: Snapchat has more than 100 million daily active users and they’re sharing over 400 million snaps per day. These figures show that Snapchat is one of the fastest-growing social networks at the moment. Of course, most of the users are from the US but it’s splashing over other countries as well.
Get Real One-On-One Engagement
Snapchat is great to share stories with your audience, but you can use it on a one-to-one basis as well. You can send content directly to individual followers and they can send you snaps as well (as long as you allow it ;)). You can ask your followers for advice, to send you snaps regarding a specific topic and much more. Snapchat opens up a lot of new possibilities, new ways to connect with your followers.
Instagram won’t last forever
This is the most important reason for me. I’m spending a lot of time on Instagram and I spend a lot of time and work to grow my profile, but it’s a fact that Instagram won’t last forever. Therefore, I’m not only working on my Instagram profile but also on my blog. I see a lot of bloggers, who forget their blogs and are only active on Instagram and other social media networks at the moment. The problem: they’ll have nothing when these social networks are not trendy anymore. So it’s always good to take care of the blog but also to look for new trends. It’s always easier to grow one’s profile on a network when it’s still in growth as if it’s at the peak already. Snapchat is still growing and brands as well as bloggers and everybody else is still learning how to use it, that’s why there are still a lot of changes, there is a lot of space left to be successful on Snapchat. Instagram is the best example for a network at the peak. You won’t have (well, barely have) a chance to grow fast and be successful on Instagram when you register now in a naturally.
P.S.: You can find more information about Snapchat and why you should consider using it on Tizian’s Blog.

Am Anfang fand ich Snapchat auch total unnötig, doch mittlerweile macht es echt Spaß die ganzen Snaps anzusehen ;) Liebste Grüße, Rebecca von
Eclectic Hamilton
Ich bin auch infiziert ;-))) Und mag diese kurzweilige Art von Snapchat sehr sehr gerne! Danke für deinen schönen Beitrag. Vielleicht magst du mich ja snapen: "eclectichamilto". Ich werd gleich mal bei dir vorbeischauen!Ganz liebe Grüße Ines Snapchat: "eclectichamilto"
Ich hab mich auch lange gegen Snapchat gesträubt und mir die App schließlich doch runtergeladen. Man soll ja schließlich nicht urteilen, bevor man es nicht selbst ausprobiert hat. Ich finde die Usability von Snapchat aber richtig schrecklich. Schon allein, dass es keinen "Entdecken"-Bereich gibt, finde ich blöd, dadurch findet man einfach keine neuen Leute. Noch schlimmer finde ich aber die Inhalte. Ich finde das einfach alles so belanglos. Das ist mal ganz witzig, wenn ich ein bisschen runterkommen möchte, aber in der Regel schaue ich da lieber eine Serie und wähle doch Instagram. Ich hoffe, dass der Hype um diese App bald wieder Geschichte ist.Lieben Gruß, Jana